The Sakai Hyakucho
The Sakai Hyakucho

Many traditional festivals featuring Danjiri and Futon Daiko are held in various locations throughout Sakai during the fall. The “Sakai Hyakucho” (“Sakai 100 Towns”) is a gathering of the towns within Sakai, seeking to protect the traditions of each region and pass them on into the future. Please enjoy the history and tradition of festivals, which are a source of pride for the people living in Sakai.

Futon Daiko

The Futon Daiko, which carries up five-layered vermillion-colored futon that is vivid in the eyes, is a festival that colors the autumn of Sakai. Seeing the crowd of bearers walking the streets with one of these Futon daiko on their collective shoulders is a stunning sight to behold, especially considering that the drums can be 4 meters tall and have a total weight of 2 tons. Another key part of the festival is the musical accompaniment of children performers with white-painted faces. Explore an introduction to the history and highlights of Futon Daiko.


The Danjiri (wooden floats festival) is one of the characteristic fall festivals you’ll find held all across Sakai. A single Danjiri features hundreds of carvings, truly making them “Art on wheels.” Witness the floats being pulled through the streets, including incredible feats of cornering, and the Sakai Danjiri even continues into the night.
Danjiri is an important part of the tradition and pride of the region; explore an introduction to their history and highlights.