Official Video 公式プロモーション動画
in Southern Osaka
Where Japanese Tradition and Culture Abound

わび茶を大成した千利休が生まれ育った地 堺。
Wabi-cha is a style of Japanese tea ceremony created by tea master Sen no Rikyu, who was born and raised in Sakai.
Today, Sakai offers many traditional experiences associated with Japanese tea, including visiting serene tea rooms and stunning rock gardens, and of course, sipping a cup of frothy and bitter matcha.

Experiences that enhance mindfulness are a great addition to your visit, including rituals of burning a consecrated fire, meditating under a gushing waterfall, hiking in the mountains or blowing a traditional conch shell.

Autumn in Osaka begins with festivals, including the sound of their blowing whistles and thundering taiko drums.
The streets are filled with beautiful lanterns, vibrant red floats and soul-stirring scenes of revelers in action. Enjoy Osaka's stunning festivals alongside locals to get the most out of your experience.

Washoku, or traditional Japanese cuisine, has been designated as a UNESCO intangible cultural heritage.
Dashi, or Japanese stock, is the foundation of washoku's incredible umami, and it developed mainly in Osaka.
Prepare your taste buds for life-changing culinary experiences thanks to Sakai's famous chef knives, loved worldwide, and Osaka's incredible seafood and agricultural produce from the surrounding ocean and mountains.

Feel living history in the townscape of old temple town Tondabayashi Jinaimachi, the beautiful main hall of Otori Shine and Japanese gardens nestled against World Heritage Sites. Southern Osaka offers a wealth of locations that showcase Japan's pursuit of aesthetic perfection.